Registration Form (Deadline: March 25, 2024)



Please enter the full school name rather than an abbreviation. If you are registering a team whose students attend different schools, please list both schools in this field.
ADD individual
ADD Two-Member Team
ADD Four-Member Team
Please list all the adult chaperones who will be at the event, and note that if a chaperone would like a competition shirt, they will be charged $10 per shirt and must enter a shirt size.
ADD chaperone


17th Annual MTSU Linguistics Competition

Do you like . . .

…solving word puzzles?
…tackling linguistic challenges?
…deciphering coded messages?

If so, join students from across Tennessee at this year’s MTSU Linguistics Competition. 

Compete for medals and prizes, play word games, and meet other budding linguists.

When: April 20, 2024

Where: BAS Building, MTSU

Cost: $20

For safety reasons, participants and chaperones will be asked to wear face masks during the morning welcome, the break activities, and the awards ceremony. That is when a large number of people are gathered in close proximity indoors.