Academic Integrity

The Office of the University Provost, specifically the Vice Provost for Faculty and Strategic Initiatives and the Director of Academic Integrity, provides consultation, disciplinary referrals, educational outreach, and assistance for faculty alleging plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication in their classes. Please direct all questions and referrals to Michael Baily, Director of Academic Integrity, CAB 111, (615) 898-2715.  All non-academic disciplinary matters should be directed to the Office of Student Conduct.

The information and procedures referenced below appear in University Policy 312 Academic Misconduct, revised August 15, 2019.

Referring an Academic Integrity Case

What is an Academic Integrity Case?

Academic integrity violations may consist of acts of plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication.

  1. Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one's own without proper attribution. This includes self-plagiarism, which occurs when an author submits material or research from a previous academic exercise to satisfy the requirements of another exercise and uses it without proper citation of its reuse.
  2. Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or aids in any academic exercise or test/examination.
  3. Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Why is Academic Integrity So Important?

An education at Middle Tennessee State University is to be valued. By violating the True Blue Pledge to be “honest in word and deed,” a student cheats not only himself or herself, but also the whole university. Further, the risks associated with damaging one’s academic reputation greatly outweigh the potential of a better grade.

What Happens if I Have Been Acccused of a Violation of Academic Integrity?

When an Academic Integrity referral is submitted, the Director of Academic Integrity sends the following message to the student via MTSU email:


Students receiving this email must click on Pick up your letter. The letter advises the student that he or she is required to meet with the Director of Academic Integrity. By ignoring the letter, students forfeit their opportunity to be involved in the investigatory process. (For more detail regarding the investigatory process, s