Fall 2024 True Blue TV and True Blue TV Event Production

Our TV station and our Event Productions team (formerly Production Services) merged last summer into a single entity under the True Blue TV brand. The combination makes sense in many ways, most notably since Event Productions stages and records many of our most important events, meetings, and concerts—and those live broadcasts and recorded shows are shown on our television station (along with streaming services and social media, of course). 

True Blue TV Event Productions, led by Director Robert Mogensen and based in the James Union Building, is the exclusive provider of event services (sound, lighting, video, staging, roof structures, and other special elements) for all of campus except the Student Unions. Working with the Event Coordination team, they bring to life special events, concerts, and activities in our biggest indoor spaces, including Murphy Center, Floyd Stadium, Alumni Memorial Gym, the MT Center in the Ingram Building, the Tom Jackson Building, and the Rec Center, and many outdoor spaces, such as Walnut Grove and the Quad. It also offers event production services for off-campus events sponsored by University groups.

True Blue TV’s television operation continues to be based in the Learning Resource Center and is headed by Senior Manager Ty Whitaker. Launched in 1999, it is the premier hub for video content and live event programming. True Blue TV presents a diverse blend of programming, including campus lectures and academic activities, live and encore broadcasts of University events and ceremonies, features on our undergraduate and graduate majors, and classroom and professional resources for K–12 schools and educators provided by MTSU’s Center for Educational Media in the College of Education.

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