Quick Guide to the Disciplinary Process

This quick guide is designed to provide quick, easy-to-understand information about the disciplinary process at MTSU. The full policies are available on the Office of Student Conduct pages.


The Office of Student Conduct receives reports and information from a variety of sources including, but not limited to: Housing & Residential Life, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Student Organizations, Public Safety, faculty & staff members, and the community at-large.

Staff members review each report/referral to determine what action must be taken. Staff members will issue charges against a student or organization if the information contained in the report/referral indicates that it is possible that the behavior was in violation of the Student Disciplinary Rules and the behavior was NOT related to sexual violence/harassment, discrimination, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. 

You can report a potential violation of the Student Disciplinary Rules by completing the Incident Reporting Form. Please note that this form is to be used to report incidents that involve an MTSU student potentially violating student rules.  This form should not be used to report concerns about faculty or staff.


If a staff member issues CHARGES against a student, it means that the staff member has information indicating that the student may have violated a prohibited behavior considered a disciplinary offense. A CHARGE does not signify responsibility or lack there-of for the offense. Responsibility is determined after the staff member has met with the student and gathered information from them.


A staff member will send the student an email to their MTSU account and a letter to their local address (permanent if local is not available in the student information system) directing the student to attend a meeting at a scheduled time. If that meeting time conflicts with the student’s schedule, they must contact the office immediately to reschedule the meeting. Staff members look at student class schedules to avoid scheduling the meeting during a class time; however, staff members are not privy to work or extracurricular schedules.


The purpose of the meeting is to explain the disciplinary process to the student, share the information that has prompted the charge, and gather information from the student about what happened. During this meeting, students should be prepared to tell their side of the story. Students may have an advisor attend the meeting with them, if they so choose. The advisor is not permitted to speak, they are only permitte