University Police Department
Operation ID
You Like Your Stuff and Don’t Want It Stolen, Right? Read This!
Theft is a crime of opportunity. Make a thief’s work risky and difficult and you stand a good chance of stopping them before they get your property.
Theft is by far the most common crime reported at MTSU Police. It’s also the most easily prevented crime.
Your First Line of Defense
Don’t leave your property unattended, not even for a minute. Yes, it is inconvenient to pack up your belongings every time you use the restroom, or grab some fresh air.
But having to file a police report, deal with insurance companies, and possibly having to replace your stolen items with your own money is inconvenient, too.
Do not leave your property in plain view; portable GPS units, cell phones and laptops are popular items among thieves. Take these items with you or secure them in the trunk. At the very least, don’t leave them in plain view for a thief to walk by and see.
Bike Locks
Use a good quality U-Lock. Avoid cable locks that can be easily cut with small, easy to conceal wire cutters. Lock the frame AND the front wheel to the bike rack. Lock your bike in an area that is open to public view. Concealed areas give thieves a place to work without being observed. Report suspicious persons that you see hanging around bike racks. Register your bicycle with MTSU Police’s Operation I.D.
Rec Center
Don’t leave back packs unattended while working out. Check out a combination lock from the Rec Center front desk and store your items in a locker.
Residence Halls and Dorms
Lock your dorm room door when you leave, even for just a few minutes. Don’t leave valuables unattended in common areas. Don’t prop doors open. Don’t allow unknown persons to follow in behind you in a key access restricted areas. Report suspicious people.
Remember that Operation I.D. works for any item you think is valuable, not just bicycles. If you buy an item during the semester and want to register it, just give the MTSU police Department a call at (615) 898-2424.
We’re here to help!