University Police Department
Sexual Assault Information
MTSU is concerned for the safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff, and prohibits all acts of sexual violence. Sexual violence includes dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. We are committed to providing a healthy living, working and educational environment for our campus community, and will continue working to provide the safest campus environment possible.
Information, including resources for victims, can be found in MTSU Policy 27, Misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment Based on Sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression. Information can also be found in the Sexual Violence Victim Information document. Other resources for victims of violent crimes can be located at the Rutherford County District Attorney Victim/Witness Office.
You may report sexual violence by calling University Police at (615) 898-2424 (dial 2424 from campus telephones), the Murfreesboro Police Department at (615) 893-1311, or the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office at (615) 898-7720. Reporting provides law enforcement the opportunity to investigate and collect evidence that could be used in criminal or civil proceedings, and in any University investigation that may be conducted. University Police may also be able to assist you with any safety concerns you may have.
If You Are Sexually Assaulted
- Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
- Try to preserve all physical evidence. Do not shower, bathe, douche, or otherwise clean yourself. If possible, do not urinate. Do not eat, drink liquids, smoke, or brush your teeth if oral contact took place. If you must change your clothes, save all clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault. If you have changed your clothes, place the clothing in a paper bag (plastic may destroy important evidence). Do not disturb anything in the area where the assault occurred, such as sheets or towels. You should also save any text messages, social networking pages and any other communications related to the incident. Following these directions will assist in proving the offense and in obtaining Orders of Protection. Even if you do not currently wish to prosecute, this is the best opportunity to preserve this evidence should you later change your mind.
- Get medical attention as soon as possible to make sure you are physically well and to permit collection of important evidence in the event you may later wish to take legal action.
- Contact University Police, (615) 898-2424 (dial 2424 from campus telephones).
- Talk with an advocate or a counselor who will maintain confidentiality, help explain your options, give you information, and provide emotional support.
- Contact someone you trust to be with you and support you.
Many individuals experience sexual assault and never tell anyone about it at the time of the incident. If you were victimized weeks or years ago, assistance is still available to you. Talking with someone now may help you cope better with abuse from the past, whether it was rape, child sexual abuse, incest, or sexual harassment. Following, is MTSU’s policy on sexual misconduct, Policy 27, Misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment Based on Sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity/expression):
MTSU Sexual Misconduct Policy
This policy is adopted by Middle Tennessee State University (“MTSU” or “the University”) specifically to address sexual misconduct which includes the offenses defined herein: dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking; and, to establish procedures for responding to incidents of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX and MTSU. MTSU is committed to eliminating any and all acts of sexual misconduct and discrimination on its campus. Any allegation of sexual misconduct as defined herein will be investigated and adjudicated according to this policy.
All other forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, are also strictly prohibited and are subject to the procedures described in MTSU Policy 26, Discrimination and Harassment Based on Protected Categories Other Than Sex.
MTSU intends to comply fully with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 485(f) of the HEA, as amended by Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, the regulations implementing these Acts found at 34 CFR § 668.41, §668.46, and Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 668.
These procedures shall be utilized by:
- Any employee or student who has been a victim of sexual misconduct, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression;
- Any former employee or student who has been a victim of sexual misconduct if the conduct took place during the time of employment or enrollment at MTSU and the conduct has a reasonable connection to the institution;
- Any employee or student who has knowledge of an act of sexual misconduct against another employee or student in order to report such misconduct; and,
- All third parties with whom MTSU has an educational or business relationship who have been a victim of sexual misconduct when the conduct has a reasonable connection to the institution.
These policies are adopted specifically to address the offenses defined herein.
All other forms of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, are also strictly prohibited.
Harassment – Complaint and Investigation Procedure as adopted and implemented by MTSU Policy 26, Discrimination and Harassment Based on Protected Categories Other Than Sex– Complaint and Investigation Procedure.
More information is available in the MTSU Annual Security Report.