Prescribed Courses

At the time students who are undergoing university assessment receive their test results, they are also given a list of the prescribed courses, if any, in which they must enroll. The K sections of University Seminar (UNIV 1010) have a special focus on academic skills and are required of any student who initially places into two subject areas.

  • ENGL 1009K Introduction to University Writing
  • ENGL 1010K Expository Writing
  • MATH 1000K Essentials of Mathematics
  • MATH 1010K Mathematics for General Studies
  • MATH 1530K Applied Statistics
  • MATH 1710K College Algebra
  • Read 1000K Reading Skill Enrichment
  • UNIV 1010K University Seminar



Mandatory Enrollment

Students having prescribed course requirements must be continuously enrolled in the courses(s) until all have been successfully completed. Those failing a prescribed course must retake the course the next semester they enroll. They may not drop a prescribed course without the approval of the Chair of University Studies. Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Strict attendance policies are in place.

Students who are placed in four prescribed classes per semester are advised to take no more than one other courseeither ROTC or a HPER activity course. A student may not take any course that requires skill in any area in which deficiency has been determined by the assessment tool.




To successfully complete some prescribed courses, students must earn a grade of C or better. The grade of D is not assigned for those courses. Prescribed courses carry elective credit or satisfy General Education requirements and are also used to compute the overall GPA.

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