Choosing Your Major

"What's your major?" Chances are, you'll hear that question countless times before you graduate. Some students know exactly what major they will choose and have their career path planned out when they enter college. Most students, however, need to do some exploration before they decide on a major. It is better to take your time and choose a major best suited to you than to be close to graduation and find out you've made a poor choice. It takes time and research to find the major that best suits you. The following resources are here to assist you in choosing a major.

If after you've completed the tasks below you still are unsure about a major, consider speaking with an advisor who specializes in working with undecided students.

How to Select Your Major

Selecting a major is the first step towards establishing your career after college. It is not unusual for students to not have a declared major (or even an idea of one) upon starting college or change their major during their time in college. Deciding on your major is one of the most important college decisions, but can sometimes be one of the more complicated. A step-by-step guide is provided below to help you start making that decision and your Advisor is always available to assist.

STEP 1: Consider Your Options
A listing of all available majors, concentrations, and degree programs offered at MTSU is in the Undergraduate Catalog (paper copy and online). On this list, circle the majors that interest you, and cross off the majors that don't.

STEP 2: Get the facts
Pick up information from specific departments on any majors that appeal to you. Speak with faculty members and advisors in your prospective majors, departments and colleges. Talk to other students in your prospective major. Take an introductory course in your prospective major. Take advantage of career counseling on campus. Explore majors on the internet.

STEP 3: Review your options
Shorten your list of possible majors to two or three that interest you the most and ask yourself the following questions about them:

  • What subjects will I study?
  • What is the disciplinary focus of the major?
  • What are the major and related course requirements for this major?
  • Will I enjoy these courses?
  • What minors or other courses might complement this major?
  • Does this major provide an opportunity for internships, faculty research, and/or experiential learning?
  • What skills will this major help me to develop?
  • Is graduate school usually required to work in fields associated with this major?
  • What kinds of jobs do students in this major pursue?

STEP 4: Make a Decision
If you've followed the steps above, you should be ready to choose a major that best meets your needs and interests. Don't be afraid to make a decision. You are likely to succeed in a major you enjoy because you will commit the time and effort necessary to be successful.

How To Declare or Change a Major

You may declare your major via the MTSU web site ( On this page you will find a link for "Change of Major/Program". Complete the online form and submit. After you have completed the form you will get an email confirmation from the Records Office regarding your change of major. Soon after you should be assigned an advisor in your new major. You can view your listing of advisors any time via your PipelineMT account.

Even after careful consideration, you may later decide to change to another major. Simply, complete the online form again and your new major will be updated. A new advisor will be assigned to you. Please note that, realistically, the more credit hours that have accumulated, the harder it can become to actually change into another major without losing some of those hours.

About Your Advisor

Once you declare a major, you will be assigned an advisor. This faculty member will work with you in your major to make sure you are on track with course selection, specific major requirements, and additional opportunities. Be sure to utilize your advisor to the fullest; they can help you make the most of your time at MTSU.

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